Saturday, 5 February 2011

My native land

Oh! My native land
Still I have a deep stroke
When I departure from you
I had carried a handful of earth
And had a promised
I’ll come soon to sit on your lap
What a misfortunate!
I couldn’t be with you
But …………….

Oh! My paradise native land!
I’m forced to say
That I’m going far from you
It’s sorrow, grief and sadness for me
To be far from you
Although I kept your picture
On my core heart.
Your promise!
I’ll keep your name on the top of the world

Oh! My glory native land!
My elemental body is far from you
But my soul will be with you forever
The forest, rivers and mountains
Always recall me
They deeply touched my heart

Oh! My beloved native land!
I have a strong dream
Where I born, want to die there it
I born only for you
And will be dying for you

Oh! My paradise!
Oh! My glory!
Oh! My beloved
I miss you lot.

20th July 2010. Nepal.
Damber Osti

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